Kentucky Colonels’ Burgoo
- 8 lbs. pork
- 1 lb. veal
- 1 lb. breast of lamb
- 30 lbs. beef
- 20 1bs. hen
- 20 lbs. turtle meat
- 1-1/2 gals. tomato puree
- 1 lb. barley
- 1 gal. white cut corn
- 1 gal. hulled out cranberry beans
- 1 gal. small chopped mushrooms
- 1 gal. diced turnips
- 3 lbs. Irish potatoes
- 10 lbs. onions, chopped
- 20 green peppers
- 1 gal. sliced carrots
- 5 lbs. cabbage
- 1 gal. diced okra
- 1 gal. diced celery
- Seasoning: 1 oz. black pepper
- 1 lb. salt
- 6 oz. horseradish roots
- 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
- 1 oz. Italian-style seasoning
- 1 cup chopped parsley
- 1/2 oz. bay leaves
- 10 pods red pepper (well pulverized)
- 1/2 oz. oregano
- 1 oz. chili seasoning
This recipe is used by the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels at their annual Derby barbecue held each year on the day after the Kentucky Derby.
The Colonels assemble all ingredients and simmer 24 hours in large iron pots.
Yields 150 servings – any leftovers may be frozen.