Ken McBroom
Contributing Writer
Ken McBroom is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer. He grew up in Lynchburg, Tennessee, which allowed him many opportunities as a boy and young man to explore the outdoors.
Later in life Ken found himself in Alaska hunting and fishing the last frontier. Each fall Ken returned home to fish and hunt in Kentucky and Tennessee. He loved Kentucky so much that he and his wife, Tammy, decided to settle here permanently.
As a multispecies angler and hunter Ken looks forward to bringing you many of the outdoor opportunities that Kentucky has to offer in the Great Outdoors column.
Ken’s work has appeared in several regional publications and websites such as MidWest Outdoors and national publications such as Game & Fish and Fur-Fish-Game.
Ken’s website Rambling Angler Outdoors offers a wide range of outdoors experiences including fishing, hunting and cooking.
Feel free to drop Ken an email and suggest topics you would like covered in Kentucky Living’s Great Outdoors column, by clicking on the “Connect” icon at the left.