Hemp course coming to BCTC Winchester in spring

Following interest from the community and hemp industry, Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) Workforce Solutions will offer a workforce based introduction to hemp agribusiness course this spring. It is a first of its kind in Central Kentucky.
“Hemp is quickly becoming a large part of the Kentucky economy. To continue on the forefront of this industry, BCTC consulted with several hemp partners in Winchester and designed this class to give a basic understanding of hemp agribusiness,” Bruce Manley, campus director, BCTC Winchester-Clark County Campus, said. “We want it to become an essential part of hemp education in Winchester for anyone who is interested.”
Participants will be introduced to the basics of the hemp agribusiness, including the history of hemp, hemp identification, and hemp cultivation and processing as well as career options, marketable products and compliance during the 9-hour course.
Classes are scheduled to meet at the BCTC Winchester-Clark County Campus, 2020 Rolling Hills Lane, Winchester, KY on Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m., Feb. 11 – 25, 2020. The cost is $295.
To enroll, contact Laura Fraebel at BCTC Workforce Solutions: 859-246-6730 or laura.fraebel@kctcs.edu . For easy and secure online registration go to bluegrasss.edu/hemp.