Barton 1792 Distillery to resume tours July 1

Barton 1792 will welcome guests back to Bardstown’s oldest fully-operating distillery on July 1 with enhanced accommodations for offering the safest possible distillery experience. Visitors can expect to explore decades of bourbon making history and sample award-winning products like always, but with new measures in accordance with CDC guidelines and government recommendations.
Barton 1792 will also begin utilizing Bards Tavern, formerly known as Hilltop Inn but now back to its original name, as its Gift Shop and Visitor Center. This move will double the space of the previous Visitor Center and allow the previous location to be utilized exclusively for tastings. Bards Tavern is located just outside the Distillery gates, directly on Cathedral Manor.
In order for the distillery to efficiently manage tour and group sizes with respect to social distancing, guests will be required to register for tours and events in advance of their visit.
Upon arrival, guests will need to check in at the Bards Tavern Visitor Center where their individual contact information will be recorded in the event contact tracing needs to be performed, and have their temperature taken. Guests will also be asked to wear a face mask. For anyone who forgets theirs, one will be provided. Visitors can take comfort in knowing that all employees at the Distillery will also be wearing face masks and will have had their temperatures taken upon entrance.
Tours and events will be kept to small, comfortable groups to allow for social distancing, and protective shields have been installed at the bars and cash registers. Gift Shop capacity will also be limited to allow for safe, enjoyable shopping experiences. All tours and tastings remain complimentary.
“Every effort to address the health, safety and comfort of our guests is being taken,” Homeplace Development Director Meredith Moody said. “We want to offer the best experience possible while providing the same rich history and experiences our fans love. We are thrilled to reopen to the public, and with the expanded visitor space that Bards Tavern offers.”
Barton 1792 Distillery will be open 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Registration for the Barton Tradition Tour can be made at Curbside sales will also continue. To place an order visit
Full details about what to expect will be provided to guests upon registration.