Eartquake emergency kit

Prepare an emergency kit
Central United States Earthquake Consortium
Worldwide quakes
U.S. Geological Survey
Prepare an emergency kit
Prepare an emergency kit in case of earthquake or other disasters. Be ready. A plastic storage bin works well—keep in an easy access location. Update items regularly. You might include:
- First aid kit
- Portable radio, extra batteries
- Flashlight, extra batteries
- Nonperishable food
- Bottled water
- Cash/coins
- Emergency contact numbers
- Important papers
- Blanket, towels
- Change of clothes, sturdy shoes
- Prescription medicine
- Gloves, breathing masks
- Sanitary supplies, plastic bags
- Small tool kit
- If needed, pet supplies/baby needs
Additional suggestions include:
- Sleeping bags
- Non-electric can opener
- Fire extinguisher (dry chemical, type ABC)
- Watch or clock, battery-powered, or spring-wound
- Duct tape
Experts recommend being ready to manage for seven to 10 days before assistance arrives after a disaster. For more details, go online to www.cusec.org or the American Red Cross at www.redcross.org and search for “Preparedness Fast Facts” for sheets on a wide range of disaster situations.
To read the Kentucky Living September 2010 feature that goes along with this supplement, go to Shaky ground.