I Love My Pet!
Readers share stories of their animal best friends
Kentuckians love their pets. Most are fuzzy, friendly and four-legged, but they range from dogs and cats to goats, turkeys and beyond. We asked you to submit the tales of your beloved furry family members, and here are a few that made us smile.

An extra special “kid”
All kids require a lot of attention, but Brooklynn Walls’ “kid” is extra special. “Ernie is a spunky Nubian goat,” says Walls, Elizabethtown, a consumer-member of Nolin RECC. “I bottle fed him every four hours when he was a kid and even kept him in my house.”
These days, he loves cookies, kisses and fresh vegetables.
“He escapes frequently only to eat from the garden and nap in the yard,” she says.

Petting zoo dreams
Neisha Nevitt has turned her daughters’ dreams into reality. “My daughter was obsessed with mini cows, and we were fortunate to be able to get a few recently and start our own herd,” says Nevitt, Brandenburg, an accountant at Meade County RECC. Nevitt’s daughters are Jayah, shown left, Jaycelyn and Jayliyah, all shown at right.
“We have also added pygmy goats, miniature donkeys and various birds. We even have a pet turkey. My girls love spending time with the animals, and we hope to one day have a small petting zoo.”

Virtual learning supervisor
Max is well-loved by the Moore family. “He is the ultimate protector of our four kids,” says mom Jessica Moore, Cecilia, a consumer-member of Nolin RECC. “He watches over them like it’s his most important job.”
A fan of having the family home over the past year during the COVID-19 pandemic, Max “even oversaw virtual learning,” Jessica says.

Rescuing Rufus
Rufus the Rottweiler was in a rough spot two years ago. “Chained and severely malnourished, he was also heartworm positive,” says Kathy Wilson, Wingo, West Kentucky RECC consumer-member. “After learning of his situation, I offered to help any way I could, and the owners decided to surrender him, but they wanted someone to take him immediately.”
At nearly midnight, Wilson made the drive to a neighboring county. She found Rufus to be a pitiful, frail, sick creature, she says, but “I instantly fell in love with him. Despite all he had endured, he was just the most loving dog.”
Rufus is goofy, vocal and loves a good tennis ball, Wilson says.
“He never fails to greet me as soon as I come through the door,” she says. “Rufus is just a joy to have and fits right in our family. We can’t imagine not having him.”

A baby bovine bond
Katelyn Moses, 14, Gray, loves her calf Hershey. Katelyn gets on her Kubota and checks on him morning, evening and night, says her grandmother, Karen Moses, a consumer-member of Cumberland Valley Electric. “They adore each other,” Karen says. “Whenever (Katelyn) goes out there, he runs straight up to her—and his mom isn’t far behind. But his mom doesn’t mind her out there at all because she’s out there all the time, so they are very used to it and very comfortable.
“I have never seen a girl in love with her animals as much as this one!”

Thriving on the farm
Harland Currie has raised more horses than he can count, but Wind Gait’s Alejandra, or Ali, holds a special place in his and his family’s hearts.
Ali became a member of Pover-T-Farm more than 20 years ago around the age of 5. Originally, Ali came to the farm by way of a boarder, but ownership was relinquished to Currie, Union, a consumer-member of Owen Electric, to ensure the horse had a stable and safe home for the rest of her life.
Ali is one of six equines left in the family. In 2018, she very nearly had to be put down due to illness. Today, Ali, her older sister and even her 33-year-old father are thriving and living a happy retirement lounging around the farm.

Pigs are a girl’s best friend?
“Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a pig,” says Kayla Landenberger, Summersville, consumer-member of Taylor County RECC.
Landenberger’s best friend is a micro-Juliana pig named Copper.
“He has been raised around dogs and cats, so when he runs, he barks like a dog—but the cat, Teddy, is his best friend,” Landenberger says, adding that Copper knows how to sit, circle, jump and to say yes.
Copper has made a name for himself in Green and surrounding counties. He has visited several libraries for story hour, local nursing homes, vacation Bible schools and primary and intermediate schools.
Copper is 5 years old now, and Landenberger says, “I’m thankful I can share the joy that Copper brings to me with my community.”