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Paula Asked

We had a hummingbird vine on a trellis for about three years that bloomed very lushly. We were given a wisteria vine and with only the one trellis we planted the wisteria down at the opposite end. That was four years ago, the wisteria has never bloomed but has lots of foliage. The vines seem to be intertwined and last year the hummingbird vine stopped blooming. Can you tell us why and what we can do?
Thank you,

The Gardener’s Answer

Hi, Paula: Trumpet vine also known as hummingbird vine is a vigorous woody vine that is tolerant of a range of growing conditions but will bloom best in full sun. Since the hummingbird vine has bloomed continuously for several years and assuming it hasn’t been pruned and nothing else has changed except for the addition of the wisteria, it could be a nutrient issue. There is competition for nutrients and the hummingbird vine is not getting enough to produce flowers since the wisteria is taking a share of the nutrients to establish roots. Too much fertilizer can also inhibit blooms yet encourage leafy growth. Wisteria can take up to 7 years to bloom. Both of these woody vines require a sturdy structure as well as space to mature. You can contact your County Cooperative Extension Office about having your soil tested. The results will give improvement recommendations if necessary.

Angie Oakley

Kentucky Living-Ask the Gardener


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