Trimming hydrangeas
Mary Asked
Can you trim the stems down after first freeze?
The Gardener’s Answer
Hi Mary, Hydrangeas are a large group of plants. Different species have different pruning requirements which is why the first step is identifying which type you are growing. Panicle and Arborescens (smooth) hydrangeas bloom on new wood, or current season’s growth. They should be pruned while the plants are dormant, before the new growth begins in the spring. Macrophylla (bigleaf) and Oakleaf hydrangea bloom on old wood, or last season’s growth. These do not require annual pruning except to shape, remove dead wood, and dried flower heads. Dried flowers can be removed in the fall but they provide a lot of winter interest. The best time to prune these is after they have finished blooming in the fall. Pruning at the wrong time can remove flower buds for the next season. In general, it is best to avoid pruning in the dead of winter. Wait until late winter or early spring. This is a good time to sharpen and oil your pruning tools.
Angie Oakley
Kentucky Living-Ask the Gardener