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I Am Harvesting Blackberries From Four Rows. The Berries Are…

Irene Asked

I am harvesting blackberries from four rows. The berries are tasty and large but not completely black. They are black but have white spots. What can I do for next year’s crop to prevent this discoloration?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hello, Irene: There are a few different possibilities why your fruit has some discoloration. It is likely due to uneven ripening. Understanding the botany of the blackberry fruit may help to explain the different rate of ripening. Blackberries are considered an aggregrate fruit that develops from a single flower. Each aggregrate is formed by a cluster of drupelets each containing a single seed. It may be that the individual drupes are not ripening at the same rate and that is why you have discoloration in your berries. Typically when we see white spots on our berries it is due to a physiological disorder but it is difficult to say for certain what causes it. Ripening depends on several factors, including temperature, sunlight, and available moisture. Hot and humid weather without consistent moisture can cause bleach spots on blackberries. Is it also possible that your berries were not fully ripe before they were harvested? If they were not as dark as they should have been, they may have benefited from a bit more time on the plant. As we know, Mother Nature is not consistent from year to year so ripening time and harvesting time will differ from year to year. Other possibilities include a fungal problem, which would typically encompass the whole fruit, or stinkbug feeding, which can bleach out individual drupelets. For a positive analysis you can take a sample of your fruit to your Cooperative Extension Service. The Jessamine County Web site is, or you can reach them at (859) 885-4811. The horticulture/agriculture agent(s) will be able to help give you a more specific answer.

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