Where Can I Purchase Replacements Of Gold Mop Shrubs Of…
Kenneth Asked
Where can I purchase replacements of Gold Mop shrubs of approximately 3 feet in height?
The Gardener’s Answer
Hello, Kenneth in Ohio: You should be able to find the Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Mop’ at your local garden centers, they are fairly common plants. The size may be a bit trickier to locate so you may have to ask for them to be special ordered. Some garden centers/nurseries tend to carry larger plant material than others, but unfortunately I am not familiar with any in your area to give you recommendations. It may be that these plants are not available as container-grown options and have to be dug, in which case you might have to wait until the fall to get them. It seems to be easier for the smaller, locally owned businesses to special order plants for their clients since they normally do not have to purchase in such large quantities from their growers. These evergreens are slow growers so purchasing an older, larger plant will be more expensive, but if you are looking for instant gratification or to match existing ones in the garden the money will be well spent. Keep in mind that you will lose the height of the container when the evergreen is put in the ground. This should be taken into account when you talk with any nurserymen and explain to them what you are looking for. Just out of curiosity, do you know why you lost three of them? Make sure you have the right environment for these evergreens to thrive or you will find yourself in the same boat in no time. Chamaecyparis should be grown in full sun (six hours per day) and require well-drained soil but consistent moisture, even as established plants.