A quick stop at ‘Cowan Station’
Across Kentucky, you’ll find plenty of folks who farm, keep bees, cook, and paint. It’s rare, however, that you find all those talents under one roof. But if you’re ever passing through Fleming County, make sure to drop by Cowan Station in Ewing, a tiny white hutch, transformed into a store.

It’s where you’ll find Bruce and Regina Barnes.
This retired couple has found several ways to make the most of their time. Bruce, who retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is an accomplished beekeeper. He spends the season working the hives behind the little store, and has been involved with many of the state’s beekeeping associations.
“I started with one hive about 10 years ago,” Bruce says, “and I was hooked.”
They sell their homegrown honey in the shop, along with other specialties like soaps and candles.
And while Bruce is busy with the bees, Regina is busy in the kitchen, making everything from beer cheese to home-made butter pecan ice cream.
(Click here for more of Regina’s recipes)
Besides making a few dollars on what they sell in their store and keeping busy, the couple is on a mission to help teach people how to grow and prepare their own food, even if they only have a little bit of land.
“We only have about 2 acres, but we hardly ever get anything from the store,” Regina says. “We teach people how to grow fruits and vegetables, how to can, and preserve. We think that is important, because when you buy things from a store, you don’t know where things come from.”
And when she is not cooking, teaching, or working the shop, Regina is quite the accomplished artist. Their house is adorned with many of her paintings and drawings.
“For me to have talent, I had to marry it,” jokes Bruce.
So, if you’re ever in Ewing, make sure to pop into Cowan Station. And if you want to learn more about making the most of your small farm, cooking what you’ve grown, or beekeeping, reach out to Bruce and Regina on their Facebook page.