Upcoming Events
Central Kentucky Second Saturday Divorce Workshop
Lexington, 40509
This workshop is for you if: You are contemplating divorce. You are in the process of getting divorced. You’ve already filed for divorce and are overwhelmed by the process. You’re not sure what to do next. You Will: Explore the […]
9th Annual Spring Fling
A juried show of art of all kinds! Pottery, stained glass, paintings, woodworks, Jewelry, photography, Kentucky book authors and so more!. Proceeds to be donated to Anderson Humane Society Building Fund. 10 til 5 pm
Eykamp String Quartet
Madisonville, KY United States
Members of the Eykamp String Quartet serve as principal string players of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, as Artists in Residence at the University of Evansville, and as educational ambassadors.
Sunday Seminar: Native Plants
Are you interested in native plants and the importance of planting them? Join Alicia Bosela at Ironweed Native Plant Nursery for an informative presentation. A plant sale will follow the presentation. Event Barn A
Dog-Gone Egg Hunt
Tompkinsville, KY United States
The park goes to the dogs for this event that has us filling eggs with kibble rather than candy! Be sure to bring your pet’s egg basket and Easter bonnet/outfit. All dogs must remain leashed throughout the event. Uncooperative dogs […]
Bach to Cello – NouLou Parlor Series
Enjoy chamber music the way it was meant to be experienced with an intimate evening of music in Oxmoor Farm's Library with the NouLou Chamber Players, Louisville's premiere chamber music ensemble! Pre-concert reception included. Music by J.S. Bach, Rachel Grimes, […]
Madisonville, KY United States
From the moment the lights fade to darkness, you are transported into another world…another dimension, where the music moves you and the visuals are unlike anything you have ever seen. Welcome to the world of iLuminate. A fantastic fusion of […]
Life of Christ Drama
Dry Ridge, KY 41035,
“Life of Christ” Drama is a one hour presentation of the Life of Christ, an international outreach of Sherman Full Gospel and Pastors Ray and Mary Gaines.
4th Annual Shelbyville Dogwood Artisan Showcase!
Shelbyville, KY 40065, KY United States
We are so excited to announce the 4th Annual Dogwood Artisan Showcase located at The Shelby County Fairgrounds. Over 75 curated artisans from around the region. This celebration highlights the importance of the arts and education in the Shelby County […]
Restore: Healthy Planet, Healthy You
Celebrate Earth Day at Bernheim. Enjoy the beauty of spring while participating in self-care activities and educational experiences that inspire healthy living and sustainable practices.