Slow down for cone zones

National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 20-24
How many of us actually slow down when we see that flashing orange “work zone” sign?
Utility trucks are equipped with flashing lights and reflective materials. Work zones are marked on the road with orange cones. And line crews wear reflective clothing when working near roadways. But even with these measures in place, work zones are dangerous.
Our crews often work during harsh weather, which makes the job even more dangerous for our line crews. Equipment that would be clearly visible in daylight is difficult for motorists to see in rain, snow, sleet or hail. But keeping the power on means we work during those conditions, too.
When driving through a work zone or past a line crew, remember workers are doing their job and what they’re doing is simply to help you.
Work zone safety tips
Pay attention to warning signs and flaggers.
Be alert when you approach and enter a work zone.
Respect the flaggers and obey their guidance. Be patient when driving through work sites with flagger control.
Driving 45 mph, instead of 55 mph, through a 5-mile work zone will only add 1.2 minutes to your trip. Speeding and aggressive driving are major causes of work zone crashes.
Don’t speed or tailgate in and around work zones. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of work zone crash.
When approaching or in work zones, avoid distractions such as talking or texting on the phone, changing your radio station and eating or drinking.
Turn on your headlights to make your vehicle more visible to workers and other drivers.
Watch for brake lights or slow-moving vehicles. Maintain a safe following distance.
Those at your electric cooperative understand work zones can be frustrating, especially when you’re in a hurry. But road crews and lineworkers work diligently to reduce the effect of roadside activities during your commute. They need your full attention to get the job done quickly and safely.
On behalf of Kentucky’s electric co-op workers, please slow down and take your time while passing through work zones. Remember the crews are working to provide safe and reliability electricity for you!