Running goals

Marathons on every continent
Vicky Payne is on a mission. Her quest? To run a marathon on all seven continents.
Payne, Big Rivers Electric Corporation’s manager of fuels procurement, has always enjoyed running, but not necessarily marathons. “I thought people who ran marathons were crazy,” she says, laughing. “I don’t even want to drive 26 miles, much less run it.”
Even so, Payne and some friends signed up to run a women’s half-marathon in Nashville. From there, Payne began training for her first full marathon—the Derby Festival Marathon in Louisville. Following that race, Payne’s sole goal was to qualify for the Boston Marathon. She trained and trained, only to be disappointed because her time wasn’t fast enough. She was not easily deterred, and after some close calls and COVID-19 setbacks, her determination paid off in 2021—she raced in Boston.
Payne’s next goal? To become a finisher in the Abbott World Marathon Majors, a race comprising the six largest world marathons held in Boston, Chicago, New York, Berlin, London and Tokyo. In 2023, Payne became one of fewer than 4,000 women in the world to complete the challenge.

On her quest to complete a marathon on each continent, Payne marked Antarctica off her list earlier this year. Photo: Kevin Geary
Then Payne began competing in Ironman events, though in the beginning, she admits, “I couldn’t even swim a hundred yards or bike probably more than 15 miles.” Payne trained until she could swim 4,200 yards and bike 116 miles. After completing both a half and a full Ironman competition, Payne wondered what to do next and recalls deciding, “I think I want to run a marathon on every continent.”
Payne has already crossed off North America, Europe, Asia and Antarctica from her list. Last month, she ran in the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon in Africa—her fifth continent and 25th marathon.
To prepare for running in Patagonia, South America, in May 2025, Payne has been taking Spanish classes and training five to six days a week. Four months later, she will compete in Australia, completing her mission of running on every continent.
Payne has a unique outlook on running marathons and on life in general: “Don’t get complacent,” she advises. “A lot of times people are like, ‘You only live once.’ I’m like, I think the complete opposite. You die once, but you live every day. So, make the best of it.”
AMY COBB, a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, enjoys writing fiction and nonfiction for children and adults.