Orman Glass with more Haitian children.
Owen linemen Matt Greenlee, Josh Hearn, and Orman Glass are very popular with the Haitian children.
Owen Electric's linemen are there to teach and help the Haitian linemen how to expand and maintain the electric system.
Haitian linemen manually dig a hole to set a utility pole.
Sometimes you can not let the terrain get in the way to getting electricity to the people who need it.
A Haitian lineman dons The Colors.
Orman Glass with more Haitian children.
Owen linemen Matt Greenlee, Josh Hearn, and Orman Glass are very popular with the Haitian children.
Owen Electric's linemen are there to teach and help the Haitian linemen how to expand and maintain the electric system.
Haitian linemen manually dig a hole to set a utility pole.
Sometimes you can not let the terrain get in the way to getting electricity to the people who need it.
A Haitian lineman dons The Colors.
Orman Glass with more Haitian children.
Owen Electric linemen Matt Greenlee, Josh Hearn, and Orman Glass are currently in Haiti for Owen Electric Cooperative’s annual partnership with NRECA International.
As stated on its website, NRECA International has worked in developing countries for more than 50 years to help governments and their citizens bring electricity in rural places, leading to improvements in education, healthcare, safety, and economic opportunity.
This is Owen Electric’s third year sending linemen to projects in Haiti to work two to three weeks alongside Haitian linemen. In addition to manpower, Greenlee, Hearn, and Orman help train the linemen to work safely, as many have had little formal training.
To follow their journey and see more photos as they are sent back, check out Owen Electric’s Facebook page.