Supporting The Troops, The Kids, And The Community
Honoring veterans
South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation remembered all the military men and women who have been deployed by participating in Wear RED (Remember Everyone Deployed).
“Wear RED hits close to home as Kentucky’s National Guard 1st Battalion 623rd Field Artillery from Monticello has recently been deployed to Jordan,” says Allen Anderson, president and CEO of South Kentucky RECC. “In addition, we have an employee whose husband is currently serving in Afghanistan. We think it is important, even in this small way, to show our support for the brave men and women who are protecting our country and freedoms. It is one way we can show our support for the families left at home.”
Energy kids
Warren Rural Electric Cooperative received sponsorship awards for its support of the Warren County Public Schools’ Respect and Conserve Energy event. Scott Duvall and Jenny Rich, who serve on the WCPS District Energy Team, judged each school’s energy team presentation. Their presentations were judged on their effectiveness in incorporating green energy-saving principles, student body involvement, and community outreach.
“We want to be involved with the school systems we serve and the young people in our community,” says Scott Duvall, Warren Rural Electric Co-op energy advisor. “It’s important for them to learn about wise energy choices as well as renewables and the environment.”
Double community honors
The Lebanon district office for Inter-County Energy Co-op was named 2013 Member of the Year from the Marion County Chamber of Commerce. Inter-County has been a chamber member for 75 years.
In addition, Sheree Gilliam, vice president of Member Services for Inter-County Energy, was named the 2013 Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year. An employee of Inter-County Energy since 1978, Gilliam was recognized for her extensive community involvement.