Kentucky’s future leaders

National co-op Youth Tour teaches democracy and leadership skills
What promise we have in the young people served by Kentucky’s electric cooperatives. In this issue of Kentucky Living, read about students excelling in science and mathematics (page 26) and take a look at the future of Kentucky in the smiling faces of the 81 high school students and 11 chaperones from 20 Kentucky co-ops in this year’s Washington Youth Tour.
In June, they joined about 1,700 students from across the country for a week of leadership training, conversations with elected leaders, and tours of patriotic sites.
Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives is proud to coordinate this program as we introduce our best and brightest to our nation’s capital. In fact, this was the first trip to Washington, D.C., for more than half of this year’s participants. If you know a rising high school senior, ask your local co-op about how to apply.