Starting anew
Looking out for the interests of rural Kentuckians- our electric co-op members
New and improved!
It’s a promise we have heard in advertising for decades. From dish soap to electronic gadgets, the allure of something described as different and better is hard to resist. But it’s a promise often equally difficult to keep.
As 2017 begins, the United States inaugurates a new president in Donald Trump, and Kentucky reveals a new political reality in Frankfort as Republicans control both the General Assembly and the governor’s office for the first time in state history.
The “new” is guaranteed. The “improved” is going to take a lot of effort.
It’s a challenge your electric co-op faces every day, to intersect innovation with a mission to improve the quality of life in your community. New technologies aim to increase energy efficiency, improve safety, and identify and address threats to reliability, all while your co-op works to keep costs in check within a shifting regulatory environment.
The year 2017 will see your statewide association move to a new and streamlined headquarters while continually renewing our commitment to support electric co-ops and their members across Kentucky, such as in the pages of Kentucky Living and new online opportunities on
And we will be present in Washington and Frankfort to make sure that amid new political realities, the needs and interests of rural Kentuckians are remembered.
You might call it our New Year’s resolution.
Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives’ CEO Chris Perry from February 2017 Issue