After hours

Co-op staff can always be found volunteering
This month in Kentucky Living we are documenting a day in the life of a lineworker (page 12). I’d also like to share some things about lineworkers that most people don’t think about. Yes, they head to work at their local co-op every day to build electric lines and make needed repairs. Those things are very important for us to provide affordable and reliable electric service to you, but I want to tell you what else a lineworker does.
One of my favorite summer activities is to go to the local baseball fields and watch young people whom I know play a sport that I love. However, this would not happen without dedicated men and women to coach and provide endless volunteer activities.
The lineworkers I’ve worked with coach and provide ball field maintenance. These folks work hard during the day, and then spend their evenings and weekends coaching and teaching young boys and girls how to play baseball. We used to joke that without the cooperative employees, there would be no coaches, no concession stand workers, no baseball.
It’s summer. The grass is growing. The kids are out of school. Summer vacations are happening. Please remember that your cooperative is working hard to maintain the existing power lines and building new ones in your community to deliver reliable electricity. The storms will come and our lineworkers will be there to get the lights back on.
These men and women are also the first to go to work in our communities when it is quitting time. They will coach your children, volunteer at your church and visit with you at the local store.
The employees at your cooperative are what make us an integral part of your community.