Josh Crabtree, a journeyman lineman at Clark Energy Cooperative, participates in the bell change event at the 2023 Lineman Rodeo. Photo: Tim Webb
SUPPORTED BY THEIR FAMILIES and their electric cooperative co-workers, more than 100 lineworkers representing 17 Kentucky co-ops competed in the 2023 Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo in late September. Hosted by Warren RECC at Phil Moore Park in Alvaton, the two-day event tested unique skills at four timed stations: hurt man rescue, transformer and streetlight change, capacitor change and skills climb.
“Lineworkers take a lot of pride in their work and doing it the right way,” says Tony Dempsey, a safety instructor with Kentucky Electric Cooperatives who is retiring this year. “Safety is the first and foremost focus of everything we do, including here at the rodeo. Doing it the right way.”
Among the winners in the various categories are these overall first place winners:
SENIOR: Steven Watkins, West Kentucky RECC
INDIVIDUAL JOURNEYMAN: Jake Mills, Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
APPRENTICE: Nathan Goodman, Fleming-Mason Energy
TEAM: Owen Team 2 (James Juett, Tony Bach, Charlie Colligan)
Meade County RECC’s Seth Arnold, left, and Chezney Weick compete during the Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo. Photo: Tim Webb
Blue Grass Energy’s Bryce Walton takes
his turn during an event at the Kentucky
Lineman’s Rodeo. Photo: Wade Harris
Warren RECC’s Brad Whobrey, front right, competes in an event, with a competitor from West Kentucky RECC in the background. Photos: Wade Harris
Shelby Energy’s Benji Bohannon
watches the competition at the
rodeo. Photos: Wade Harris
Meade County RECC’s Seth Arnold, left, and Chezney Weick compete during the Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo. Photo: Tim Webb
Blue Grass Energy’s Bryce Walton takes
his turn during an event at the Kentucky
Lineman’s Rodeo. Photo: Wade Harris
Warren RECC’s Brad Whobrey, front right, competes in an event, with a competitor from West Kentucky RECC in the background. Photos: Wade Harris
Shelby Energy’s Benji Bohannon
watches the competition at the
rodeo. Photos: Wade Harris
Meade County RECC’s Seth Arnold, left, and Chezney Weick compete during the Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo. Photo: Tim Webb