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Co-op safety culture meets Covid-19

Photo: Kenergy

The safety culture of Kentucky’s electric cooperatives is in full gear as the state and the nation deals with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Co-ops across Kentucky are focused on keeping consumer-members and employees safe, while continuing to deliver reliable service.

“These are unprecedented times,” says Chris Perry, president and CEO of Kentucky Electric Cooperatives. “But this is why co-ops train and staff for unforeseen circumstances, because we know that the people we serve are counting on us to do whatever it takes to power our communities, hospitals, businesses and farms. For co-ops, our commitment to health and safety guides every decision we make.”

Kentucky Electric Cooperatives is the statewide association made up of 24 local and member-owned distribution cooperatives, as well as two “generation and transmission” cooperatives which supply power to the local co-ops.

Safety measures being implemented by Kentucky’s co-ops include specific measures related to “social distancing,” such as encouraging electronic rather than in-person transactions and temporarily curtailing some services or installations. Many co-ops are still offering drive-through service to accept payments.

“Behind the scenes, co-ops have implemented strategic measures to safeguard the workforce both now and in preparation for any future implications of the pandemic,” Perry said. 

Kentucky Electric Cooperatives is working with state agencies and emergency management officials to ensure that co-op employees instrumental in maintaining the electrical grid are able to perform their duties if and when the state enacts any limitations on public movement.

“We are praying for the health of everyone directly affected by the coronavirus and for anyone struggling with the economic impact of this crisis,” Perry said. “Co-ops belong and were built by the communities they serve. We are committed to uninterupted service both during this storm and in the recovery.

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