Counting on electricity

You can rely on your electric co-op
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS I will try to remember from the impact of the challenges our nation has faced over the last year is to not take anything for granted.
Our health, our freedoms and many of the conveniences we have come to enjoy have all been affected in 2020 and 2021.
Thankfully, one necessity that largely has not been compromised by the events of the past year is the safe delivery of electric service to Kentucky homes and businesses. Kentucky’s electric cooperatives are respected across the country for their ability to deliver safe and reliable electricity at competitive rates. That performance is a key factor when businesses decide to locate or expand their operations here.
Many of the efforts electric co-ops make every day to ensure reliable service are not seen by the public. I encourage you to read about how during the pandemic East Kentucky Power Cooperative completed one of the biggest construction projects in its history, as shown above, without any interruption to electric service.
When ice storms and flooding knocked out power in some parts of the commonwealth earlier this year, we heard many Kentuckians say they didn’t realize how much they took electricity for granted. I hope that experience can be a lesson for all of us as Kentucky and our nation make policy decisions about the future of electricity, decisions that unfortunately carry the potential to undermine the very reliability we all enjoy.
Your cooperative has done a great job keeping rates reasonable and reliability high, but many agendas threaten this. I implore you to stay informed and speak up when your co-op needs you to add your voice. Here on Kentucky and through social media, we will continue to highlight important issues.
Your co-op values you and does not take you for granted.