Celebrate the Best in Kentucky
HIKING TRAIL. BREAKFAST PLACE. METEOROLOGIST. Each of these is a category in this year’s Best in Kentucky awards. At first glance, it might be hard to see what these things have to do with your local electric cooperative. When you look a little deeper, we believe the connection is everything.
Cooperatives of all kinds operate under seven principles, the seventh of which is “Concern for Community.” Cooperative employees, trustees and directors are members of the local community—just like you—and they want to see it thrive.
So we’re doing our job correctly if this magazine, which is a communications tool for your cooperative, can bring attention, visitors and dollars to a breakfast place in your town. If someone learns about a hiking trail from seeing the Best in Kentucky awards show on YouTube or reading these pages, the chances are much higher that they will plan a visit. It’s hard to visit a place you don’t know about, so we want to spread the word.
The primary goal of this annual contest is to spotlight these gems across the state. There are many people, places and things that have won multiple times—some have been recognized so often they’ve made it to our hall of fame. And each year, several new names get nominated and make it to the finalist round.
This year, we changed things up a bit. We added some categories and replaced some others. Altogether, we have five additional categories in 2023, so that’s 15 extra winners we can introduce to you.
We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but I’ll remind you that next year’s nominations open in February, so be prepared to submit your favorite hamburger, road trip and so much more.
We hope you see some names and places you love and we hope you discover new ones, too. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!