Beautify the Bluegrass – FAQs

What types of projects are eligible?
Any project that improves the physical appearance of a public, outdoor area is eligible. No project is too big or too small, anything from picking up litter on a stretch of highway to landscaping and painting.
Can I enter an existing project?
Any beautification project is eligible if it was completed between August 2021 and August 5, 2021.
Who is eligible?
Beautify the Bluegrass is open to all individuals and organizations, public and private.
What is the deadline to submit a project?
All projects must be submitted via the form on by 11:45 p.m. (EST) on August 5, 2022.
Can we mail our entry?
All entries must be submitted online at this link:
Who judges the projects?
The Beautify the Bluegrass Committee and the public.
What is the judging process?
The Beautify the Bluegrass Committee reviews all submissions and selects five finalists from public entries. From August 17-September 2, 2022, the public is invited to vote on from among the top five finalists.
What is the judging criteria?
Beautify the Bluegrass entries are judged upon a variety of factors, including how the improvements helped the community, the scope of the project, the participation of volunteers and the overall effectiveness of the effort.
What are some tips for creating a successful submission?
Photos. Photos. Photos. Judging is primarily based on the “before” and “after” look of your project. It is important that you take as many photographs before, during and after (Check out our tips). Also, being able to provide a concise written description of the project is important. Here is an example.
What do you win?
The winner receives a plaque and will be featured in an issue of Kentucky Living magazine and