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An invitation to help

Co-op employees serve on Habitat board 


Sometimes all it takes to get involved is an invitation. That was the case for Inter-County Energy’s Dan Hitchcock and Davonne Price.

Both currently serve on the Mercer County Habitat for Humanity board. 

Dan, the co-op’s vice president of member services, has been a member of the board since January 2015 and is serving his second year as president. 

“In 2015, the current president asked me to join because he was going to step down off the board,” Dan says. 

Fast forward a few years and Dan invited Davonne to serve, as well. 

“Dan approached me one day about volunteering for Mercer County Habitat after Inter-County Energy had participated in the United Way Day of Caring,” Davonne says. “We talked about how we enjoyed being part of making someone’s life a little bit better and just giving back.” 

After attending a Habitat board meeting in February 2023, Davonne, administrative assistant for operations/engineering at Inter-County Energy, almost immediately decided to join in. 

Habitat for Humanity is an international organization with local chapters that build affordable, quality houses with families in need. 

The whole process is a joy to be a part of, Dan says: 

“It’s the journey of the family from the time they are selected, getting to know them as they embark on their journey of owning their own home and the smile on their faces when the house is done, and it is theirs.” 

“My favorite moment [is] the home dedication,” Davonne adds. “Just to look at what I had a hand in and watching that family receive the keys to a new home they helped build as well was just so humbling and rewarding.” 

To others who are looking for the chance to volunteer, both Dan and Davonne say to ask around. 

“Organizations like Habitat are always looking for others to step in and help out,” Dan says. “You never know until you ask.” 

“You can start by asking friends, coworkers, acquaintances, or by looking online or on social media for volunteer organizations in and around your community,” Davonne says. “Research the ones that may spark an interest and simply reach out to them. You will be surprised at how many organizations are looking for people to donate their time and talents. 

“Everybody fits in somewhere; you just have to start looking.”

SHANNON BROCK is editor of Kentucky Living. She enjoys telling stories of co-op members and employees who live out the co-op mission.

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