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2022 Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo

Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative lineworker Tyler Richardson competes at the rodeo from his home co-op in Paducah. Photo: Wade Harris

It’s a competition with one clear winner: the safety of electric cooperative line technicians.

In late September, more than 80 individual entrants and 24 electric co-op teams competed in the Kentucky Lineman’s Rodeo at Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative in Paducah. This is the 16th year for annual two-day event, begun in 2005.

Every day, co-op lineworkers labor in all types of conditions to keep the power on for their co-ops’ consumer-members. With their families and co-workers cheering them on, the best lineworkers from around the commonwealth compete in events based on traditional lineworker tasks and skills, where scoring rewards safety over speed. 

“The rodeo is a chance for lineworkers to showcase the trade and strengthen their skills,” says Randy Meredith, director of safety and training at Kentucky Electric Cooperatives. “Most importantly, this event stresses the co-op commitment to safety and professional standards.”

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