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Student Checklist

A good night for a good day

Nothing can twist a perfectly good morning into a stressful one like forgetting an important item or not being able to find what you need. Encourage your child to develop more organized habits by taking a few minutes each evening to get organized for the next morning.


Student checklist

  • Finish homework and place neatly in folders; have parent sign forms; roll up and rubberband posters; plug in laptop for charging.
  • Communicate with teammates on group projects.
  • Set out clothes.
  • Clean out lunchbox; place freezer pack in freezer and nonperishables in lunchbox. Prepare containers of veggies, fruit, or dips and place them in fridge.
  • Look at the calendar to see what’s coming due or what after-school commitments/appointments are on tap this week.
  • Pack backpack for after-school activities—sports gear, music folder, babysitting supplies, etc.—even if there is time to come home for a few minutes before these begin.

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