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Supplement to “Police School”

They don’t talk about the danger inherent in their new careers, preferring to focus on the benefits to others.

“I always liked being involved in community,” says Josh Wesley of the Somerset Police Department, when asked why he became an officer.

Nolan Bruner Jr., with the Nicholasville Police Department, had a similar response when asked how he dealt with the risky nature of his career. “I don’t think about it almost. There is some danger involved, but somebody has to do it. I think it’s great to be able to help your community.”

Still, police officers are killed almost every year. Located on the Eastern Kentucky University campus, the Kentucky Law Enforcement Memorial is the only memorial in Kentucky to highlight the names of all the officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Each year, the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) holds a ceremony to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice the preceding year.

For more information on the Kentucky Law Enforcement Memorial and photos from past ceremonies, go to and click on “Memorial Foundation.”

To read the Kentucky Living February 2007 feature that goes along with this supplement, click here: Police School.

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