Earn Extra Cash
Here are five ways to earn extra money without taking on a full-time second job:
TEMPORARY JOBS The Census Bureau is currently hiring for part-time temporary positions for the 2010 Census. For more information, go online to www.2010.census.gov/2010censusjobs. Call (866) 861-2010.
TLC Consider providing in-home care to young children or to the elderly. Especially for the elderly, in-home day care is a demanding need for families. Caregivers are often needed on nights and weekends, which is a great opportunity to work around your typical weekday schedule.
SEASONAL WORK Market yourself for part-time jobs such as lawn care in the summer, leaf raking in the fall, and snow removal in the winter.
USE YOUR TALENTS If you have skills as a writer or photographer, consider doing freelance work. If you have musical ability, consider teaching piano or singing lessons. If you are blessed with the ability to cook and bake, consider catering or selling your homemade goodies.
OVERTIME Where better to make extra money than at the job you already know how to do? With a shrinking work force, fewer people are available when times get desperate. If your employer offers paid overtime, consider taking advantage of such an opportunity.