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Clean Art Contest

Dozens of first- through eighth-grade students across Kentucky will win savings
bonds and three schools will win environmental education grants in the 2001 Commonwealth
Cleanup Week Poster Contest. The contest promotes the statewide cleanup event
held each March to remove trash from roadsides, illegal dumps, and waterways.
The Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet organizes
Commonwealth Cleanup Week and the poster contest. Touchstone Energy® co-sponsors
the event. This year’s theme is “Spring Clean Kentucky.”

One of the winning posters from last year featured the state of Kentucky taking
a bubble bath. The deadline for schools to turn in entries to their local county
conservation district office is February 15, 2001. For details visit the contest
Web site at,
or call Heather Frederick, the cabinet’s public information officer, at (502)
564-2282, ext. 166, or e-mail her at
You can reach her by mail at 500 Mero Street, 4th Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601.

Nintendo goes for the gold at Fort Knox

When video game maker Nintendo wanted to announce its new Pokemon Pikachu
game awhile back, it organized an event in Topeka, Kansas. (Get it? ToPekachu?)
So for the launching of its Pokemon Gold game last October, it held the event
at Fort Knox. (Get it? Gold, Fort Knox?)

Send us your Herb Garden and Yard Art photos

We’d like to see, and possibly print, pictures of what Kentucky Living readers
are growing in their herb gardens and displaying as yard art.

Our March Lawn and Garden issue will focus on herb gardens and yard art, and
we’re inviting you to send in photos for our feature and Snapshots column. Photos
should show unique and attractive pieces and arrangements. The pictures should
clearly illustrate the gardens or art, and be in extremely sharp focus. Be sure
to identify the various herbs in your photos.

Also include your name, a phone number, and detailed information for a caption.
We’ll return the photos ONLY if you enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
If we publish one of your photos, we’ll also send you one of our famous Kentucky
Living beverage mugs. Send by January 15 to Kentucky Living, Lawn & Garden,
P.O. Box 32170, Louisville, KY 40232.

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